Medical Air

Linde Bangladesh manufactures Medical Air as per standards provided in European Pharmacopeia 11.0. Specification and pricing for Medical Air for medicinal use is controlled and regulated by Directorate General of Drug Administration and Licensing Authority (Drugs). Medical Air is a medicinal gas, supplied in cylinders filled to a high pressure. mixture of 20.9% (±0.5%) oxygen, balance nitrogen; or air compressed from the atmosphere.

Medical Air is used-

to provide clean air in ventilators and incubators.
to power air driven medical equipment such as resuscitators.

The shoulder of Medical Air cylinders is color coded black and white. The body is color coded grey.


There are no apparent side effects with Medical Air. If you experience any subsequent effects, contact your healthcare professional immediately.

Cylinder storage

Cylinders should be securely stored, in a well-ventilated, dry and clean area, away from oils, greases, flammable materials and sources of extreme temperature. The healthcare professional in the hospital or clinic will be responsible for making sure the cylinders are stored correctly. Medical Air should not be used after the expiry date stated on the batch label on the cylinder.

Product should be used in strict rotation so that cylinders with the earliest filling date are used first.